Saturday, February 3, 2024

Criterion 1.2.3 Service networks and networking

 Criterion 1.2.3

Service networks and networking in the Puskesmas work area are managed and optimized to improve access and quality of services to the community.

1) Main Thoughts:

a) Puskesmas needs to identify service networks and existing networks in the Puskesmas working area to optimize coordination and/or referrals in the field of health efforts.

b) What is meant by service network and Puskesmas network is as regulated in the regulations governing Puskesmas.

c) The Head of the Puskesmas and the person in charge of the efforts/activities of the Puskesmas have an obligation to provide guidance to the service network and network in the Puskesmas work area so that the service network and network can contribute to the implementation of UKM, UKP, laboratories and pharmaceuticals that are easily accessible to the public. public.

d) The coaching program covers KMP, UKM, UKP, laboratory and pharmaceutical aspects, including staff development, infrastructure and financing in an effort to provide quality services.

e) Performance indicators for developing community health centers and networks are determined by the head of the community health center. These indicators are used to assess the extent of coverage and success of the implementation of the coaching program.

2) Assessment Elements:

a) Determine performance indicators for developing service networks and Puskesmas networks (R).

b) Identification of service networks and networking in the Puskesmas work area to optimize coordination and/or referrals in the field of health efforts (D).

c) Develop and implement a coaching program for the service network and Community Health Center network in order to achieve coaching performance indicators with a clear schedule and person in charge (R, D, W).

d) Evaluation and follow-up are carried out on the achievement of performance indicators for developing service networks and Puskesmas networks (D).

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