Thursday, February 8, 2024

Criterion 5.5.1 IPC PROGRAM

 Standard 5.5 Infection prevention and control program.

Infection prevention and control programs are implemented to prevent and minimize the occurrence of infections related to health services.

Infection prevention and control, hereinafter abbreviated as PPI, is an effort to prevent and minimize the occurrence of infections in patients, staff, visitors and the community around health facilities.

a. Criterion 5.5.1

Regulations and infection prevention and control programs are implemented by all Puskesmas employees in a comprehensive manner to prevent and minimize the risk of infections related to health services.

1) Main Thoughts:

a) Infection prevention and control, hereinafter abbreviated to PPI, is an effort to prevent and minimize the occurrence of infections in patients, staff, visitors and the community around health facilities.

b) The aim of PPI is to improve the quality of services in health care facilities so as to protect health human resources, patients and the community from infectious diseases related to health services.

c) The risk of infections acquired and/or transmitted among patients, staff, students and visitors is identified and prevented or minimized through IPC activities.

d) Puskesmas need to develop a PPI program which includes (a) implementation of isolation precautions consisting of standard precautions and transmission-based precautions, (b) PPI education and training (can be in the form of training or workshops) for both staff and patients and families, as well as the community, (c) preparation and implementation of infection bundles related to health services, (D) monitoring the implementation of isolation precautions, (e) surveillance of infectious diseases related to health services, and (f) wise use of anti-microbials and reporting in accordance with statutory regulations.

e) The activities listed in the PPI program depend on the complexity of clinical activities and Puskesmas services, the size of the Puskesmas area, the level of risk and coverage of the population served, geography, number of patients and number of employees and are an integrated part of the Quality Improvement Program.

f) So that infection prevention and control can be implemented optimally, it is necessary to appoint trained staff to coordinate, monitor and assess the implementation of PPI principles and programs in services based on policies and guidelines that refer to statutory provisions.

g) To monitor and assess the implementation of the PPI program, indicators are prepared as evidence of the implementation of planned activities.

2) Assessment Elements:

a) The Puskesmas prepares a plan and implements a PPI program consisting of (R,D):

(1) implementation of isolation precautions consisting of standard precautions and transmission-based precautions,

(2) PPI education and training (can be in the form of training or workshops) for both staff, patients and families, as well as the community,

(3) preparation and implementation of infection bundles related to health services,

(4) monitoring the implementation of isolation precautions,

(5) surveillance of infectious diseases related to health services and,

(6) wise and comprehensive use of anti-microbials in providing services at Community Health Centers

b) Monitoring, evaluation, follow-up and reporting are carried out on the implementation of the PPI program using specified indicators (D,W).

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