Thursday, February 8, 2024


 Criterion 5.1.4

Quality Improvement is achieved and maintained.

1) Main Thoughts:

a) Information from analysis of quality indicator measurement data is used to identify problems and potential improvements.

b) Methods for improving and maintaining quality and patient/community safety include, among other things, using a quality improvement cycle with the stages of planning (plan), testing (do), studying/analyzing the results of improvement trials (study), and following up on the results analysis of improvement trials (action).

c) After planning, an improvement trial is carried out and the results are studied by collecting data during the trial activities, then an assessment is carried out again to prove that the changes made have actually resulted in an improvement in quality.

d) Effective changes that can be made include improving policies, improving service flow, improving standard operating procedures, staff education, timely availability of equipment, and various other forms of changes. If the change is deemed effective, it can be replicated to other work units.

e) The results of changes in letter d can maintain or improve the quality of services at the Community Health Center. The quality improvements carried out are communicated and socialized across programs and sectors and are documented.

f) The Puskesmas quality improvement program is reported to the district/city regional health office at least once a year.

2) Assessment Elements:

a) There is evidence that the Community Health Center has piloted a quality improvement plan based on Criteria 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 (D,W).

b) There is evidence that the Community Health Center has evaluated and followed up on the results of quality improvement trials (D,W).

c) The success of the quality improvement program at the Community Health Center is communicated and socialized to LP and LS and documentation of quality improvement program activities (D,W) is carried out.

d) The quality improvement program is reported to the district/city regional health office at least once a year (D,W).

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