1. Standard 1.1 Planning and ease of access for service users.
Planning for Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) is carried out in an integrated manner based on the Puskesmas work area together with cross-programs and cross-sectors in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations and in the implementation of activities must pay attention to ease of access for service users. Community health center planning and the types of services provided take into account the vision, mission, goals, values, results of analysis of community needs and expectations, results of analysis of service development opportunities, results of service risk analysis, and results of analysis of performance data and feedback from the district health office. /city. Puskesmas are easily accessible to service users to get services according to their needs, get information about services, and to provide feedback and get support from across programs and across sectors.
a. Criterion 1.1.1
Community Health Centers are obliged to provide the types of services determined based on the vision, mission, goals, values, results of analysis of community needs and expectations, results of analysis of service development opportunities, results of service risk analysis, results of performance data analysis, and the provisions of statutory regulations as stated in in planning.
1) Main Thoughts:
a) Puskesmas as a functional regional technical implementation unit in the health sector and a service unit that works professionally must have a vision, mission, goals and values in accordance with applicable regulations which are in line with the vision, mission of the president and regional government.
b) Puskesmas are obliged to provide services in accordance with the vision, mission, goals, values, results of analysis of community needs and expectations, results of analysis of service development opportunities, results of service risk analysis, results of performance data analysis, and statutory provisions.
c) To obtain the results of an analysis of community needs and expectations, it is necessary to conduct a situational analysis of Puskesmas performance data and community health status data in the work area, including the results of the implementation of PIS-PK, which are prepared in an integrated manner based on the Puskesmas work area.
d) Types of Puskesmas performance data and public health status data in the work area as well as analysis stages refer to the provisions of the laws and regulations governing Puskesmas management and Puskesmas information systems.
e) Community needs and expectations regarding health services are not the same from one region to another. Priority of health problems can differ between regions. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and analyze opportunities for developing Puskesmas services as well as improving quality and performance.
f) In providing services, whether for UKM, UKP, laboratories and pharmaceuticals, risks that have occurred or have the potential to occur need to be identified, analyzed and managed so that the services provided are safe for the community, staff and the environment.
g) The results of service risk analysis must be considered in the planning process, so that risk prevention and mitigation efforts are planned from the start and adequate resources are provided for risk prevention and mitigation.
h) The results of identification and analysis to determine the type of service and preparation of Community Health Center planning consist of:
a) results of identification and analysis of community needs and expectations,
b) results of identification and analysis of service development opportunities, and
c) results of identification and analysis of service risks, both KMP, UKM, and UKP, laboratories and pharmaceuticals, including risks related to Puskesmas buildings, infrastructure and equipment.
i) In order for the Puskesmas to manage health efforts well and sustainably in achieving its goals, the Puskesmas must prepare an activity plan for a 5 (five) year period which will then be further detailed in the Puskesmas' annual plan in the form of an activity proposal plan (RUK) and activity implementation plan (RPK) according to the regional budget planning cycle.
j) Community Health Center planning is carried out in an integrated manner, including KMP, public health efforts (UKM), individual health efforts (UKP), laboratories, and pharmaceuticals, and is prepared together with related sectors and the community.
k) The activity proposal plan (RUK) is prepared in an integrated manner by the Puskesmas management team which will be discussed in the village musrenbang and sub-district musrenbang and then proposed to the district/city regional health office.
l) The annual activity implementation plan (RPK) is prepared based on:
(1) budget allocation according to the budget implementation document (DPA) approved by the district/city regional health office;
(2) proposed RUK, and
(3) the situation at the time of preparing the annual RPK.
m) The annual RPK is detailed into a monthly RPK along with achievement targets and planned monitoring and control activities.
n) Preparation of monthly activity implementation plans is carried out based on the results of improvements to the activity implementation process and the results of achieving the specified performance indicators.
o) It is possible for plans, both five-year plans and RPKs, to be changed/adjusted to current needs if certain conditions are found in the results of the analysis of supervision and control of activities, including policy changes in accordance with statutory provisions.
p) Revisions to the plan must be carried out for the right reasons as an effort to achieve optimal performance of the Puskesmas.
q) For Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) Community Health Centers, the preparation of five-year plans and annual plans must be in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations relating to BLUDs
Assessment Elements:
a) The vision, mission, objectives and values of the Puskesmas are determined as a reference in the administration of the Puskesmas starting from planning, implementing activities to evaluating the performance of the Puskesmas (R).
b) The types of services provided are determined based on the results of identification and analysis in accordance with applicable regulations. (R, D, W).
c) The five-year Puskesmas plan is prepared by involving cross-programs and cross-sectors based on the strategic plan of the district/city regional health service (R,D,W).
d) The proposed activity plan (RUK) is prepared by involving cross-programs and cross-sectors based on the Puskesmas' five-year plan, the results of analysis of community needs and expectations, and the results of performance data analysis (R,D,W).
e) The annual Puskesmas activity implementation plan (RPK) is prepared jointly across programs in accordance with the budget allocation determined by the district/city regional health office (R,D,W).
f) The monthly activity implementation plan is prepared in accordance with the annual activity implementation plan as well as monitoring results and monthly performance achievements (R,D,W).
g) If there is a change in government and/or regional government policy, planning revisions are carried out according to the established policy (R,D,W).
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